Tuesday 22 June 2010

5 Topics

These are the five topics that I have decided to use for my summer brief.
I wanted to choose some broad topics and some ones which could go in lots of different directions.
I also wanted to choose things that really do interest me and things that I might want to know more about. I wanted some broad subjects and some subjects which were much more specific to give a wide range of research.

1. Independent cinema:
I really like all kinds of indpendent cinema and world cinema and would like to know more. I have always been a fan of world cinema, especially japanese animation from Studio Ghibli and Chinese martial arts films but in recent years I have discovered a big interest in contemporary British cinema.
Independent cinema is good.

2. The sea:
I have always been intrigued and kind of scared of the sea. Its quite a seriously foreign environment compared to life above it and the wide variety of strange animals has always interested me a lot. I've seen some really amazing animals when I visited the caribbean like rays, cuttlefish and a huge friendly wild sea turtle. I also love how mysterious it is as such a small amount has ever been reached and I remember seeing a few years ago when a camera was developed to withstand immense pressure and on the day of testing hundreds of new species were discovered at the new depths. This is a broad topic and may have to be made more specific once I find a topic within it to focus on.
The sea is good.

3.Ancient Greek Mythology:
I have done some work on greek mythology in the past and found it to be a really strange and dramatic and interesting. It surprised me how much narrative there was throughout the world of mythology and how many different stories and scenarios and conflicts there were across the timeline.
It also surprised me how the gods were not holy as such or all loving and were actually wrathfull and often quite demonic and harsh, often punishing people very unkindly and heavily.
I would love to learn more about the interesting mythology and the beliefs of people in the are at that time. I have chosen greek just simply because it is quite well known and I know that it has a large and broad range of stories and characters and traditions.
Ancient Greek mythology is good.

I am considering changing this topic to be just Ancient Greek Gods, or possibly all ancient gods.

4. Monkeys:
I've always loved monkeys. They are interesting and awesome and impressive and wonderful.
Monkeys are good.

possibilities for the last subject:

- Pirates
- Rubiks cubes
- Electricity
- Cats
- Clouds

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