Sunday 11 July 2010

Independent Cinema

For a few years I have become really interested in independent cinema. What I mean by independent is really just smaller production companies like those that makes contemporary british cinema with directors like Mike Leigh, Shane Meadows and Ken Loach or generally any films that aren't totally in the spotlight in hollywood blockbusters.
I still like some big budget hollywood style films as well but they can be tacky and obvious and its often clear that the director is not particularly looking to create a masterpiece and the producers just want more money back than they put in.

It isn't just british independent cinema as I like films from all over the world. The US has some good directors that I really like such as Wes Anderson and I have always liked Japanese Anime from Studio ghibli.

I like films produced by Guillermo del Toro and I really like western european indy films and I really like coming across a good film from a director that I don't know.
If you watch a film with a foreign language, you watch it with subtitles. 
Never dubbed.

I decided after the end of the last module that I wanted to work more with type and I had just watched the film "Dirty Pretty Things" again which is one of my favorites. 
It inspired me to have a go at some hand drawn type and I made this:

The quote is from the film and I like it because its just a bit stupid and meaningless and just fits its context well. the full quote is:
"You know, Okwe, good at chess usually means bad at life. You do realize that she's in love with you, don't you? I've been with her 20 minutes, and I know it. But then, I'm bad at chess..." 

I also wanted to experiment with animation and making kinetic typography stuff.

So I stole a sound clip from the film and followed some guides to teach me the basics of Adobe After Effects as I haven't used it before now.
I then quickly jotted down the steps of the animation so that I had something to follow:

Then I made this:

I like the animation but it is quite short because the quote is said so quickly.
I also made this title for the film trying to make it have a bold gritty feeling which represents the content of the film to me.

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